Statistics Key

Player Score - The score calculated to determine a player's NNA online tournament ranking. The formula is as follows: (# of Total Points/ # of Games Played)+(Tournament Championships X 25)+(# of Games Played + # of Games Won) = Player Ranking Score.

Rank - The number given to a player to determine his/her status amongst the rest of the NNA online tournament players. The number is determined by a player's Player Score. The higher the player score, the better the ranking.

PPH - A player's average points scored per hand over the current year or a player's career.

PPG - A player's average points scored per game over the current year or a player's career.

Hands Played - The total number of hands played over the current year or a player's career.

Game Record - A win/loss tally out of a player's total games played. A (t) represents a tied winning score. The number immediately after the (t) is the number of tie wins that that play has received. Ties count as wins but are also noted.

Nertz Calls - The number of Nertz calls(playing your Nertz pile in entirety to end a hand) over the current year or a player's career.

Total Points - The total number of points received over the current year or a player's career.

Hands Won - The total number of hands won over the current year or a player's career. *(It is possible to win a hand without calling Nertz and lose a hand despite calling Nertz.) In the event of a tie, all players with the highest hand score are awarded a "win", despite the Nertz call. However, in the event that the NNA must make a ruling in special circumstances, then the tied hand high plus the Nertz will be deemed the winner.

Largest Margin of Victory (Game) - This is a combined total of points using the differences of a player and his/her opponent's scores in a game that that player won.

Largest Margin of Victory (Hand) - This is a combined total of points using the differences of a player and his/her opponent's scores in a hand that that player won.

Number of Full Table Sets (FTS) - The total number of FTS over the current year or a player's career. *(A Full Table Set is a hand in which all of a player's opponents receive a negative score as a result of that player calling Nertz. A player may receive a FTS even if the hand was idled. Thus, you can win a hand without calling a Nertz, with a negative score and still receive the FTS.)

Most Points in a Hand - The highest hand score that a player has received in a hand over the current year or a player's career.

Most Points in a Game - The highest hand score that a player has received in a game over the current year or a player's career.

*A "t" represents a tie for winning the hand if one or more players are involved in a tie for the hand. Tiebreakers usually go to the player that called Nertz(if they are involved) in the event that a game should need a tiebreaker. Otherwise a top score tie counts as a win even if a player didn't call Nertz.

*A "i" represents an idled hand in which the hand ended without a player calling Nertz. This happens occasionally when using Solitaire Race to play Nertz.

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